
Prospects for the years to come

1. Risk factors.The laboratory coordinates an international consortium Eranet-Neuron targeting adolescent neurocognitive processes in depression to promote intervention response : adolescents, young adults, and patients hospitalized for disorders tacking on emotional dysregulation or addiction will be investigated with respect to developmental databases.Since some mental disorders might be linked with measurable changes in brain structure development, investigations will focus on subject  at-risk  for affective disorders, or for addictions (e.g. binge drinking), or with autism spectrum disorders.

Example : Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Adolescence

2. New models in high-risk individuals (click to enlarge) :

3. Pharmaceutics & drug response. Objective brain descriptors of drugs effects will be searched, based on our experience of controlled therapeutic trials involving imaging patients with depression or schizophrenia.

4. Search for brain descriptors of response or resistance to therapy or addiction :