
The research of the INSERM unit is carried out with the ICM platform. The team is part of the radiopediatrics department of the Necker Hospital.


Name 1er Name Function Affiliation Habilitation to Supervise Research (HSR)
Martinot Jean-Luc Research Director, Child Psychiatrist INSERM Yes
Zilbovicius Monica Research Director, Child Psychiatrist INSERM Yes
Artiges Eric Research Fellow, Psychiatrist INSERM



Teachers – Researchers

Name 1er Name Function Affiliation Habilitation to Supervise Research (HSR) 
Boddaert Nathalie PU-PH AP-HP University Paris Cité Yes
Cohen David PU-PH AP-HP, Child Psychiatrist,  Salpêtrière Hospital Yes
Granger Bernard PU-PH AP-HP Université Paris Cité Yes


Name 1st Name Function Affiliation Habilitation to Supervise Research (HSR)
Paillère Marie-Laure PH AP-HP, TP Research , Child Psychiatrist, Salpêtrière Hospital Yes
Trichard Christian PH Bathélémy Durand Hospital No
Martelli Catherine PH  AP-HP, Villejuif Hospital No
Karila Laurent PH  AP-HP,Villejuif Hospital Yes


Name 1st name Affiliation Habilitation to Supervise Research (HSR) 
Fillon Ludovic Permanent Contract IMAGINE No
Boisgontier Jennifer Permanent Contract IMAGINE No

Research psychologist

Name 1st Name Affiliation Habilitation to Supervise Research (HSR)
Baggio-Saitovitch Ana-Riva Permanent Contract IMAGINE No


Name 1st Name Affiliation
Gourlan Chantal INSERM


Name 1st Name Function Contract
Chavanne-Arod Alice Engineer Fondation de France
Ruiz  Julia   INSERM

Master 2 Students

Name 1st Name Function Affiliation
Rodrigues Da Rocha Mathilde Master 2 University Paris Cité
Nait Said Ahmed Master 2 University Paris Cité